HomeMetroStudent Dresses up as Driver for Children’s Day to Honour Her Dad’s...

Student Dresses up as Driver for Children’s Day to Honour Her Dad’s Profession

An act of love can change a child’s perception of things. In a viral video on TikTok, where the user is identified as @roy_scott76, expressed a father show of love and commitment. A school in Malaysia celebrated Children’s Day, tagged, ‘career’, and every student was expected to dress up according to their future career aspirations. Keisha, being one of their students and aware of her father’s role as a personal driver, Keisha decided to honor him by dressing up in his profession.

During an interview, Keisha mother revealed that Keisha rarely gets the opportunity to spend time with her father due to the demands of his job, but despite the physical distance, his commitment to his role as a father remained strong.

In an effort to compensate for lost time, the parents made the decision to surprise their daughter at school. The sight of what they behold brought Netizens to tears.


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